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· Married to Theresa Vargas Fuller for past 19 years
· Castro Valley resident and homeowner since 1979
· B.S. – Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, 1965
· M.B.A. U.S. International University, San Diego, 1972
· Commander, United States Naval Reserve, Retired (1965 – 1991)
· Small business owner since 1986 (Acme Awning Company, San Leandro)
· Treasurer of Western Canvas Products Association
· I am a non-partisan independent candidate for Castro Valley City Council.
· I am not accepting endorsements from any outside special interest group or political party.
· I am spending less than $1,000 on my grass roots campaign for City Council.
· I will represent only you, the residents of Castro Valley, not the big money special interests.
· Establish efficient and fiscally sound city government so that our tax dollars are wisely spent.
· Establish a resident and local business community friendly City Government.
· Maintain Castro Valley’s unique small town charm and character.
· Develop new master plan for Castro Valley with your help.
· Improve our business districts with ideas from the Castro Valley Chamber of Commerce, local business and property owners, and concerned residents.
· Pro Incorporation: Local residents who are interested in and have a stake in our community should govern Castro Valley, not a distant Board of Supervisors, none of who live in Castro Valley or are familiar with our problems or desires. Our tax dollars must remain in Castro Valley, not sent to Alameda County for distribution as the Board of Supervisors sees fit.
· Change: Change will happen whether we like it or not. The only question is who will manage the changes that will take place in Castro Valley? The distant Board of Supervisors or LOCALLY ELECTED CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS who live here?
· Comprehensive Fiscal Analysis: This is the starting point for organizing our city. Will revenues and expenses happen exactly as the CFA projects? NO! Can we take charge of our future within the existing tax base and provide better services than we are currently receiving? YES!
· Taxes – Part I: The CFA shows that we send over $610,000 more in taxes to Alameda County than we receive in services. Let’s keep all our taxes in Castro Valley!
· Taxes – Part II: No new taxes! Why should residents in Berkeley, Oakland and the other cities in Alameda County determine what taxes we pay? THEY SHOULDN’T! Only Castro Valley residents should vote on the taxes we pay.
· Revitalize Castro Valley Blvd. Business District – Part I: I envision a boulevard that is attractive, pedestrian friendly with a wide variety of small businesses and restaurants. One need only look to other cities such as Pleasanton, Walnut Creek and Mountain View to name three nearby communities that have revitalized their downtown areas to see what is possible.
· Revitalize Castro Valley Blvd. Business District – Part II: As a City Council member, I will create a task force of business owners, property owners and concerned residents to help develop new ideas for a revised master plan to revitalize Castro Valley Blvd. Let’s bring the TEAM concept to Castro Valley. Remember, Together Everyone Achieves More!
· Revitalize Castro Valley Blvd. Business District – Part III: Creating a comprehensive plan for Castro Valley Blvd. will help keep us focused as we work toward improving the Boulevard.
· Revitalize Castro Valley Blvd. Business District – Part IV: Solutions to traffic and parking problems must be part of the plan for downtown.
· Master Plan for Castro Valley: We need to have a master plan for our City that addresses the need to keep our open spaces while improving our residential neighborhoods (sidewalks where there are none to name one improvement), and transforms our business districts into attractive and vibrant areas.
· Streets: The CFA shows that there is approximately $3,100,000 available annually during the early years for street improvements. I believe that we can do a better job than the County in getting our roads repaired and sidewalks where there are none.
· Policing – Part I: As a city council member, I will be looking at how our police force allocates resources to meet developing challenges within our community and responds to our needs.
· Policing – Part II: Our police services need to be held accountable for their performance. Having a single dedicated police force handling all law enforcement duties within Castro Valley will improve our police services, as they will know our community better and there will be no question as to who is responsible.
· Expanding School District boundaries: I believe that schools are a unifying force in any community and support having Castro Valley’s excellent schools open to all Castro Valley residents regardless of where they live in Castro Valley.
· I oppose the 238 bypass through Castro Valley: I believe that any solution to Hayward traffic concerns should remain in Hayward, not be shifted over to Castro Valley. Any approved route for the 238 extension should not pass through Castro Valley and should not impact the Senior Center and Little Theater area.
· I oppose any proposal to change the basic character of Castro Valley including such outrageous ideas such as attracting big box stores or developing an auto row on Castro Valley Blvd.
· I oppose displacing residents living along Castro Valley Blvd. in order to expand our business district.
· I oppose any attempt by special interest groups to gain preferential treatment!
Support: I am asking for your support on November 5th. Tell your friends and neighbors that William Fuller will work for them on the City Council. If you would like me to speak to a group of your friends and neighbors and answer your questions, please contact me at (510) 582-6358 or fuller4cvcouncil@aol.com.
Contact Information
E-mail: fuller4cvcouncil@aol.com
Telephone: (510) 582-6358
On November 5th, remember to VOTE!
Your VOTE counts!
VOTE: YES on Measure Q
VOTE: William Fuller for City Council
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